WBT - Understanding EU cooperation: fundamentals



This web-based training is about GIZ's strategic framework for the cooperation with the European Union.

product information

As soon as technically possible, AIZ will charge a user fee for all WBTs. You can find out why here: Fee-based web-based training at GIZ (sharepoint.com). A user fee of 4,47€ will be charged for the provision of this web-based training (WBT).

Learning objectives

The content aims to provide the fundamentals about the cooperation of GIZ with the European Union.


The aim is to understand the relevance of the EU for GIZ and what the internal support structures are.

Furthermore, it provides an overview of the EU institutions, its strategic framework and the Multi-Annual Financial Framework.


Welcome to the beginning of your learning journey!

For the best outcome, we recommend writing down important insights, questions and thoughts.

If you participate in one of the training courses (EU Qualification, EU-Kofinanzierungen im Auftragsmanagement, EU-Kofinanzierungen in der Angebotserstellung), your questions can be clarified at the beginning of the course.

We recommend avoiding all distractions for the duration of the course: turn off MS Teams and phone notifications.

Set aside a fixed time for studying and reflection.

Take time to think about the topics. You don’t have to finish the whole training at once. This helps you to better absorb information.

Got it all? Then let’s get started!



Activate now

Training ID:


Course type: WBT
Duration:1,5 – 2 hours

Target group

  • Externe*r Selbstzahler*in / Öffentliches Angebot
  • GIZ Mitarbeiter*in

All colleagues registered for one of the training on EU cooperation listed above

Country directors, officer responsible for commissions (AV/AVV), responsible for implementations (DV), Portfolio managers in the field structure either in sector or global project. Colleagues who are already or are planning to work with EU co-financing, Country manager Inland (LMI) and Project manager Inland PMI, Project manager, InS colleagues who are involved in the preparation of EU co-financings

Senior specialist planners of the FMB, Staff of the operational departments who deal with the content-related and methodological aspects of the integration of EU co-financing into commissions, External experts involved in the preparation of EU co-financing.


For questions concerning seminar content please contact:

Pia Zimmermann

+49 228 4460-3405pia.zimmermann@giz.de


This WBT can be completed separately from other AIZ training offers.

However, it is a mandatory component of the following training courses:


EU Qualification for managers and specialists (Link)

EU-Kofinanzierungen im Auftragsmanagement (LMI/PMI) (Link)

EU-Kofinanzierungen in der Angebotserstellung (FMB) (Link)


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